“MEI…Leading the industry with a flawless reputation of solid
Market knowledge, Ethical practices and Innovative designs.”

Call Today: (781) 281-8011


Since its inception, MEI has passionately pursued the goal of helping hundreds of homeowners find solutions to their real estate needs. Our team specializes in solving real estate problems and we can help correct almost any financial situation at no cost to you!

If you are looking to sell your house quickly, or if you have found yourself in a real estate dilemma and you’re simply looking for answers, we can help.

We have strategies and more importantly provide you with OPTIONS.

Most people are not aware of their options beyond listing a house with a Realtor, or trying to sell their house on their own. We work with each homeowner individually and provide a strategy for your unique situation. Our ultimate goal is to put power back in your hands.


We look forward to hearing from you!


When You Hire Massachusetts Equity Investors, LLC, You Get
Experience, Knowledge, Quality and Commitment